Hello and welcome! id like to give a fair warning:
this website is best viewed on full-screen and is definitely not made for mobile,
light flash , eyestrain and slight suggestive content is up ahead , 13+
and....alot of spelling errors..
I try to keep my spaces friendly for everyone , and i expect you to do the same :-)



Gaza is currently in a complete blackout, with no access to food, water, electricity, or communication for help
7000 have been killed and I don't feel right not talking about it Although I'm a teen with no money to donate, alteast you can. Please educate yourself about this, thank you
- https://savepalestine.carrd.co

- https://decolonizepalestine.com

- https://bdsmovement.net
Petition: https://tinyurl.com/5bkp6fwn (Goes to a change.org site)

If you wish to donate: https://muslimhands.org.uk/appeals/palestine-appeal , care for gaza
we can make a difference if we're loud enough about it .

-1/26/25 - been updating stuff here and there , expect a big main page revamp soon :-) got rid of those annoying ass left click alerts COPYING IS AN ACT OF LOVE !!!!! COPY THIS ENTIRE WEBSITE (with my permission ofc) let's all have fun :-)
-1/4/25 - whoa new year, im coding the second biggest part of the website right now... stay tuned ;-)))
-12/22/2024 - added this new , sexy layout ;-) if this layout was a person I'd fuck it. sorry umm its been 5 more months with zero updates AUGHH
-7/22/24 - god its been 5 months holy BARF anyway , im thinking about actually getting rid of the 7.7.css and actually making this site more original ... nothing else has been changed yet :-(
-2/27/24 - it's been a it huh , anyway im revamping this whole entry page itself actually! coding this goddamn sprite is making me FERALL. will actually move all my imgs to neocities now too :-(
-1/1/24 - first update of the year! slightly tweeked the about page .. slowly working on moving all my img assets to neocities.. wish me luck ;-;
-12/11/23 - updated music page slightly, added new button 2 ^_^
-10/31/23 - updated the about page for a cleaner look, the 7.css is here to stay!!
-10/21/23 - as cool as it was, I'm planning on revamping the site for a more original look soon, good bye 7.css
-10/10/23 - added this log!


Mazeguy Smilies


this is a wip

would you buy it if i sell it - varoondude